Internal Audit

We strive for Pragmatic Audit & Pragmatic Insights

Wishing to outsource your Internal Audit function or just to externalize sensitive topics?

Your internal audit function is fully supported by our dedicated team of experienced professionals able to provide insights, assurance required to meet your objectives.



Having resource shortage?

We reinforce and bring extra flexibility to your internal audit team to face peaks of activity and to complete your team on specific / technical subjects (Governance, Outsourcing, AML IV/V, MiFID II/ PRIIPs, MAD II, IT security, etc.) More than 40 regulated entities trust us!

Assessing the robustness of your internal control and reporting

Under global standards such as the International Standard on Assurance Engagements ("ISAE") n°3402.

Controls Reports

Wondering how your internal function stands compared to best practises?

We help you assess your compliance with professional standards (IPPF) and the areas for improvement within your internal audit function. We then provide recommendations allowing your internal audit team to reach top-notch quality and to ensure that controls are adequately designed and work effectively to mitigate your risks.

External Quality Assessment

Our team

Saïd Hadji


Member of the IIA and ALCO, Saïd has 15 years of professional experience serving financial services firms in Luxembourg, mainly banks, management companies and PSF.

Saïd built a robust experience in auditing and advising clients for a “Big Four” firm in Luxembourg. He also had the opportunity to practice the Internal Audit function in major banks active in wealth management in Luxembourg.

Saïd is the Managing Partner at HACA Partners and is mainly involved in Regulatory & Compliance, Risk Management and Internal Audit engagements.

Marc Bussutil


Marc has more than 15 years of experience in the financial services industry (bank, asset management, asset servicing, wealth management, as well as audit and consulting).

He built a solid internal audit expertise by leading assignments in Luxembourg and abroad (i.e. France, Monaco, Spain and Switzerland) for two large Luxembourg-based banks.

Marc also spent more than 10 years in consulting firms managing external audit and advisory mandates for various financial services clients.

Marc is an active member of the Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) and the Association Luxembourgeoise des Compliance Officers (ALCO).